Jess in Oz Memorial Page

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Dedicated, obviously, to Jess in Oz (aka Jessiah Hawkins), February 25th 1983 -> February 20th 1999.

She dips her head
And bows to the river
Before searching below for a gift
A silvery flash
A fish.

The river protects her
In the reeds along its banks
And feeds her
With the bounty of its fish
And in return
She graces it with her elegance
So that couples rest there
And artists paint its calm waters
And Eridanus and Cygnus live in harmony

I'm not going to go into the details of Jessi's life, because even I myself don't know them all. What I do know is that Jessi was like a swan to my river (our 'Lost Zodiac' star signs, which actually do fit us amazingly well) and she taught me a lot about myself with out even trying. In the poem above, which I wrote after her death specifically for this page, Cygnus is the swan, Eridanus the river. We did live in harmony, our physical distance no barrier to the friendship (and more) that we cultivated in the 27 days we knew each other. We each told the other more about ourselves than we had ever told anyone, a sign of immense trust on her part and mine, both being naturally shy and wary of other people.

Despite her first appearance on the KoaliTion Headquarters message board as a troll (someone who posts messages on forums, newsgroups etc. that announce their hatred of the topic, in this case K/T in favour of C/T) she went on to stay aboard for four weeks and only made one obvious enemy amoung us. She inspired loyalty in me, a difficult feat for anyone, and showed her worth to us all.

Unfortunately, on the 20th February, a Saturday night, she arrived home to find her father drunk. He assaulted her for being late, and she finally found that she couldn't cope any more. Her elder sister Tahlia found her dying in her bedroom, and at 2137 she left the mortal world to travel to her rightful place in the Kingdom of God.

If anyone wishes to say something about Jess you're welcome to mail me at